Bearden Ezra Douglas Bearden Ezra Douglas

maybe i’m not ready

as meta beseeches I’m rippin’ off leeches I’m tryin my best but nothin is pleasin’ maintaining a pulse for activist reasons if I’m outlined chalk no cuffin’ this season

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Bearden Ezra Douglas Bearden Ezra Douglas


past memories, lost synergy, and now we feel incomplete. all while my face in galleries and in the streets. and my paranoia rising, pray to God its not my timing my face on a tee.

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Bearden Ezra Douglas Bearden Ezra Douglas


Creating even when I feel the world is against me. Creating cause one day I will never get to again. Creating because that’s all I’ve been put here to do. When the pain of life seems too much, I come here to create. I can never answer the question “are you okay?” Only create about it.

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Bearden Ezra Douglas Bearden Ezra Douglas

A Journey Into Mindset Marketing

A mindset change. And our mindset works hand in hand with the attraction laws of the universe. This message isn’t just for videographers or photographers, but all creative businesses. Stop.Selling.Yourself.Short.

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Bearden Ezra Douglas Bearden Ezra Douglas

How To Stop Being a Starving Artist

Maybe it was some sort of childhood trauma breakthrough for me, I finally felt like a had some value. It was value placed on what I provided without me actually seeing it myself. That was the point of no return.

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