A Journey Into Mindset Marketing

If you care enough about the change you seek to make, you will care enough to generously and respectfully create tension on behalf of that change.
— Seth Godin

We attract who we are.

That’s the way life goes.

I didn’t make the rules, I just find them interesting to analyze and apply.

If “The Law of Attraction” is ever present in our personal development, it is lurking in our business development.

For me, it was easy to misinterpret how it was working.

Mostly due to wanting my desired results to happen without properly being attuned to them in the first place.

A faulty mindset.

When we have this, we write off our magnetic pull as not working properly.

Denying ourselves responsibility and granting ourselves comfort in the process.

It’s just attracting what we see ourselves as.

By law of reversal, it repels what we think we desire.

Everything we believe we want but aren’t willing to suffer for.

A lot of people want many different things but are not willing to give up comfort for them.

Desire is suffering.

Don’t be like most people.

Quit denying yourself what you genuinely want in place of goals someone else set for you.

You might as well suffer for yourself.

Start learning who you are and develop a strong sense of self in spirituality.

This version of you will find it easy to cultivate your mind and direct it into a business practice I call “Mindset Marketing.”

Back to business.

This cultivated mindset will essentially be your marketing strategy to attract your dream clients.


Porsche through a window.

Let’s say you’re a videographer in the world of rising new media.

You dedicated years to learning your craft and thousands of dollars into your equipment.

Now you figure it’s time to start your freelancing business and you go for it.

What are my prices?

How do I attract leads?

How do I get clients?

All questions that get answered through time of just going for it.

Free work and low-budget gig work was the answer for me.

I currently see this as the portfolio building stage.

Now your portfolio is looking great, and you have way more leads.

But all the to be clients say your prices are too high now.


It’s frustrating to feel trapped in a certain amount that you can charge for your work.

Even with the occasional high paying gig out of those months.

If that’s what’s you want, cause “money isn’t everything”, then you’re fine to stay where you are.

But if you want to live off of your videography in this case you have to make a specific change.

A mindset change.

And our mindset works hand in hand with the attraction laws of the universe.

This message isn’t just for videographers or photographers, but all creative businesses.


And stop selling the people who want a result short.

You may think I’m a bit crazy at this point to be suggesting that you turn down your bag and tell all your clients to pay more or fuck off.


I used to be the guy that would take that bag no matter what and clients get what they get.

A selfish mindset.

I couldn’t really help those people to begin with.  

I’ve made horrible videos for people that I felt like didn’t pay me to try.

Shit, I’ve straight up blocked a client that wanted and extra revision.

Sorry, Mike.

I spent your $300 on responsibilities only I swear.  

Am I a bad person?

I don’t think so.

Was I a bad business operator?


The simple fix for me in that situation would have been getting $3000 instead of $300.

I noticed that my portfolio didn’t really equate to what I would accept or get offered per gig.

It’s much lower.

I peeped it was this way for myself as well as many other creatives.  

Why doesn’t great work just automatically equate to high prices?

Two ideas.

  • The market for creators is a terrible and shitty place. Get a real job.

  • The creator is missing the mindset that matches the quality of the work.

I’m not quite ready to accept the first idea, at least for today.

So this is a mindset conversation.

This observation comes from an experience I had working with two Luxury Car dealers.

I lit this shot with my little LED flashlight. One of my favorites right now for sure.

 Last year when I was in sort of a mental limbo, trying to get new business deals and leads, I came across a very special place.

A used car dealership.

Wait. Before you leave the site, just listen real quick.

It took me a couple months to realize that how they operated isn’t far off with how I think creative workers should operate.

For the most part.

Two guys, Mr. N and Mr. H.

Mr. N was the head of the business. He dealt with everything that had to do with the finances and budgeting.

A true capitalist.

You’ll be working for free if you let it happen.

Mr. H was the real car guy. He can tell you the year, make, and model of a car by exhaust note.

The most chill salesperson you’ll ever meet.

He understood you can’t make people do what they don’t want to.

Mr. H photographed smokin’ one.

These two pretty much only bought and sold high value luxury cars.

So, they knew what they had. It was in this case their portfolio.

These cars attracted all kinds of people from all over the U.S.

All looking for a result.

Maybe coming with an expectation or two.

When customers come through planning to spend upwards of $60,000 on a BMW M6 they more or less expect to be catered to.

This is the socially expected luxury treatment.

If they got there at 12 p.m. I always had to let them know the guys selling cars were going to be here at least 2 hours late.

Some customers left and never came back.

Some waited to complain in person.

Some grew addicted to the service and bought multiple cars from these guys.

I think the modified lux mindset did the marketing and selling for Mr. N and Mr. H.

It’s not like the customers couldn’t find someone else selling luxury cars.

It was the fact that they were being sold to by real people.

“I think I’ll stick around to meet these guys.” Is the thought of the customer that at least stayed.

To this day I’m not really sure if the dealers did it on purpose.

Sometimes they had late work nights or parties.

But their mindset marketing built a sort of cult for their customers to be a part of.

Their dream clients.

The product attracts the mass market, and the mindset addicts the micro market.

Mindset Marketing.

Crashed M3 F80. Location Unavailable.

Now you probably think that I’m just insane.

A business that opens 5 hours after its customers expect has six figure months.

It attracted people who not only like luxury cars, but who could appreciate the way they operate.

They created a client and business alignment through how they ran their business.

Even if how they ran it, was a more unorthodox style.

I think in this case it did them more good than harm to be different.

The point that I’m offering here is it may take time to build a network of your dream clients, but through staying true to your mindset marketing strategy you will attract them.

You don’t have to be as extreme as the car dealers in this story, but having core values in your business will help with attracting people with similar worldviews. 


Storyteller Vibes

Storytelling is the heart of marketing.

Storytelling is the heart of humanity.

You will decide your own personal worldview and start to tell that story from your lens.

How you market and provide service will be based on your developed mindset.

This will attract the clients and projects aligned with you.

Why not make tons of money doing it this way?

Specialize in the growth of your clients with your specific skillset and become invaluable to them.

Many creatives wonder why they either can’t book a gig or find any retainer clients.

It’s simply what you do is being done by others too.

You’re replaceable.

We all make ourselves replaceable when we don’t have a specific mission formed by our mindset.

This is why you can’t take someone’s business model and succeed with it.

That is not your mission and it’s not your mindset.

This is how we start to form our own.

BMW M5 F90. BMW G80 M3 (50 Jahre).

What is YOUR MINDSET? (Like, Finding Yourself?)

I believe this is a simple way to market, on paper.

Fix your mindset, start attracting the clients you want, and provide what you’re best at to them, right?

Basic. Beginning, middle, end, story.

Though finding what’s true to you right now has never been harder.

Social media has captured all of our time until our dopamine is extracted to nothing.

Leaving us with a lack of time and motivation to develop ourselves.

To learn your mind, you must be alone with it.

Attempt to understand what it is and the power it has.

See what you think when you take a break from all the stimulation you put yourself through.

Eventually you will be able to hear your own mindset.

To hear what you are attracting.

If it doesn’t align with what you desire, then a change must be made.

Be very particular because this is the foundation on which everything is built in your life and business.

Think of your mind like your operating system or IOS if you will.

This is an update on your mind, and therefore an update on the goals you are willing to suffer for.

My recommendations:

1) Practice Digital Minimalism

This practice is basically regaining your values through limiting your technology use.

Technology is an essential part of our lives, yes.

But it will take you over if you fail to set and maintain the proper boundaries.

Without the proper discipline, we fall victim to everything that wants to hold our attention for extended periods of time through positive reinforcement and social approval.

Attention is time.

Time is the most valuable non-renewable resource that we have at our disposal every day.

How much of it do you give away to Instagram for cheap dopamine hits?

Take those hours back to become who you want to be.

Become aware of the time you spend passively consuming and note if that does anything for what you want to achieve and become.

Most people have a fear of missing out when it comes to social media or who they text and call back only because they mistake it for what life is.

I know nothing but this Digital Era.

I was born and raised in it.

It became a habit to use my phone to avoid eye contact and speaking with people while growing up.

Technology became a source of stimulation that I used as a coping mechanism to suppress my thoughts and surroundings.

We need to be alone with our thoughts to grow.

We need to confront what makes us uncomfortable to grow.

We owe ourselves the time and attention don’t you think?

2) Gain Perspective on The Mind

Learning the human mind = Learning yourself.

Not saying to become a master psychologist but studying how the human mind works will give you invaluable insights.

Learning who you are right now is the way to create your ideal self.

Instead of letting everything be unconscious, learn why you and other people do things.

Useful Topics: (rooted in psychology)

  • Marketing

  • Selling

  • Building Wealth

  • Artistic Expression

This relates to everything I’ll be talking about.

It’s all modified psychology studies.

3) Mind Your Surroundings

 Where are you and who is around you?

Do they serve who you want to become and what you want to attract?

I don’t believe you are the sum of the five people you hang around.

You are what you accept and adopt from all of your experiences.

What and who you’re around is what you are exposed to, then it depends on how resistant or open you choose to be to the feedback.

People tend to accept what they are exposed to unconsciously because they have no strong personal goals.

So, they get told what to do by others and accept the feedback.

It’s the way we were conditioned growing up.  

I believe that when you choose who you want to be you’ll start to pick out what’s good for you.

Then in time you will attract.

You leave people and places that don’t serve you and locate what does.

The mind is a goal striving machine, there’s not much we can do but give it something to reach for.

Me telling you to create your own reality is only extra documentation for what’s going to happen.

Is your reality to conform to a world that wants you distracted?

Is it your reality to work for some company until you are 65?

Is it your reality to financially struggle as a creative business until you are out of business?

These are suggestions that the world will give us and pray we accept.

If you made it this far you are part of the digital artist guild.

We have a specific role in society to direct positive change and reach people with our work.

To be able to do that as best we can, we have to escape the rat race and become financially free.

Working when, where, and on what we want.

Getting our mindset geared to that exact thing and attracting what we need is paramount.

I’m done for now. Hope you enjoyed this one.

Until next time,





How To Stop Being a Starving Artist